Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A

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Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A 39
2005-12-15 発行

高温履歴を受けた気泡混合軽量士の応力 : ひずみ関係とそのモデルシュミレーション

Stress-Strain Relation of Foamed Mixture Lightweight Soil Subjected to High Temperature Histories and Its Model Simulation
Kamei, Takeshi
Takashima, Junichi
This paperpresents the stress-strain relation of foamed mixture lightweight soil subjected to high temperature histories which are characterized by an initial high temperature. A stress-strain relation that consists of two hyperbolic models was applied to investigate the mechanical behavior of foamed mixture lightweight soil. The material parameters of foamed mixture lightweight soil were estimated by the initial high temperature. Comparisons were made between the experiental data and the model simulations concerning the unconfined compressive loadings, to verify the applicability of results obtained from the model and material parameters adopted. Reasonable agreement was obtained between the observed and the simulated results ofstress-strain relation of foamed mixture lightweight soil with high temperature histories.