Studies of the San’in Region

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Studies of the San’in Region 10
1994-03 発行


Note on the marine algal flora of the Oki Isls(XIII)
Kajimura, Mitsuo
e0010010s002.pdf 9.92 MB ( 限定公開 )
Sorella pulchra (YAMADA) YOSHIDA et MIKAMI (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) is in this paper not only as a new entry to the present writer's algal list of the Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, but also as a new algal record for the Sea of Japan as well as for the outside of the type locality. Frequent formation of abventitious haptera as well as the connections among branches with them is reported for the first time for this species also herein.
e0010010s002.pdf 9.92 MB ( 限定公開 )