Laguna : 汽水域研究

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Laguna : 汽水域研究 6
1999-03 発行


A Study of Fish of Honjou Area in Lake Nakaumi : Data Analysis of Wholesale of Fish
Koshikawa, Toshiki
Present status of fish inhabit Honjou area in Lake Nakaumi was analyzed by using the record of payment slip of a fish dealer. During a year from 1 November 1997 to 31 October 1998, two distinct periods were found in a condition of trade; one with good trade from mid-July to early January and the other with poor trade from mid-January to early July. Fishes with large amount in trade were Acanthogobius flavinanus, Chaenogobius annularis, C. heptacanthus, Konosirus punctatus, Harengula zunasi and Lateolabrax japonicus.