Annual report of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning Shimane University

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Annual report of Education and Research Center for Lifelong Learning Shimane University 2
2003-03 発行

学生時代における失敗の意味 : ある不登校学生の事例

Meaning of the failure in the school days : A case report of a school refusal
Yamamoto, Daisuke Health Service Center, Shimane University
This paper discusses the meaning of the failure in the school days of a school refusal. I want to find out a positive meaning to the event that has negative meaning. However, it may be arrogant and cruel. The meaning of his failure has not been find out yet. It may be created in the future and may not be done. Even if it is created, it fades away, and also a new meaning may be created. I have to contain that we do not understand.