Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 11
2006-09-30 発行

Light-dependent tryptamine accumulation in cytosolic fraction of Sekiguchi lesion mutant of rice infected with Magnaporthe grisea

Imaoka, Atsuko
We investigated the subcelluler localization of tryptamine in sl mutant of rice infected with M. grisea. Under the light condition, tryptamine accumulation was observed in the cytosolic fraction prepared from leaves infected with M. grisea, but not in chloroplast fraction. However, no accumulation was observed in the both fractions prepared from M. grisea-inoculated leaves kept in the dark. This result suggested that tryptamine was light-dependently biosynthesized in cytosol of sl mutant of rice infected by M. grisea.