島根大学文理学部紀要. 文学科編

Current Issue
島根大学文理学部紀要. 文学科編
.Volume 10
An Essay on Katakoto(かたこと)
PP. 1 - 21
A Material for the Study of Lafcadio Hearn : Sanin-Shinbun from Mar. in 25th year to Dec. in 37th year of Meiji
Hirose Tomomitsu
PP. 23 - 65
Text in Archaic Wooden-type Benkeizooshi (べんけいざうし)(1)
PP. 67 - 88
The Grammar Like
Tanaka Minoru
PP. (7 - 18)
Thema in American Literature : American Innocence and Initiation
Ichikawa Hiroyoshi
PP. (19 - 65)
Versuch einer Interpretation : Kafkas "Auf der Galerie"als eine Drehachse dazu
Niki Hisako
PP. (67 - 78)
Une Letter de Charles de douze ans : L Interieur demoniaque de C.Baudelaire
PP. (79 - 104)
Index of Verbs and Adjectivo-Verbs (keiyoo-doosi) in Heikemonogatari(平家物語)
Sota Fumio Hosoda Etsuko
PP. (105 - 134)
Metaphysics and Nihilism : A Study on Heidegger's Nietzsche
Matsuzuka Toyoshige
PP. (135 - 152)
Sociological Notes about Area Research or Community Study
Hara Hiroshi
PP. (153 - 190)
Structural-functionalism : Grammatical Examination of the Framwork
Inoue Hiroshi
PP. (191 - 208)