島根大学論集. 教育科学

Current Issue
島根大学論集. 教育科学
.Volume 13
Some Cases of the School-phobia due to the so-called "sensitiver Beziehungswahn"
Kodaki Nobuo
PP. 1 - 5
A Study of Physical and Psychological Fatigue of Long-Distance Auto-Truck Drivers
Nishiyama Satoru Fukui Kazuaki
PP. 6 - 22
PP. 23 - 36
The Problem of Early Education in Music
Takeuchi Fumiko
PP. 37 - 45
The Principle of Vocalization and Its Bodily Resonance
Moriyama Toshio
PP. 47 - 55
A Study of the Artistic Culture, from Asuka Era to Fujiwara Era, in the History Textbooks of Social Studies in Junior High School
Amano Shigetoki
PP. 57 - 73
An Organization Theory in the Technique-Analysis of the Kendo Match(part 2)
Fukuda Akimasa
PP. 75 - 91
A Study of Teaching Process in Physical Education
Nagai Yasuhiro
PP. 95 - 104