ID | 6844 |
タイトルヨミ | ニホンジン エイゴ ガクシュウシャ ニヨル シュゴ ノ シュウトク ニツイテ : チュウガクセイ ヲ タイショウ トシタ チョウサ カラ
日本語以外のタイトル | On the Acquisition of the Subject by Japanese Learners of English : A Survey of Junior High School Students
ファイル | |
言語 |
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著者 |
壷倉 恵子
内容記述(抄録等) | The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of the acquisition of the English grammatical subject by Japanese learners of English (JLEs) within the theoretical framework of the Minimalist Program, especially the mechanism of feature-inheritance developed by Chomsky (2005, 2006) and Miyagawa (2005). In order to acquire the English-type subject, JLEs have to reset the relevant subject parameter in two steps: they first learn that the agreement feature percolates from C to T, and then, they recognize that unlike Japanese, the focus feature remains on C without percolating down to T. The result of the investigation with 673 junior high school students shows that it is relatively easy for JLEs to acquire the percolation of the agreement feature; on the other hand, they have difficulty in removing the option of the focus feature percolation. This explains why JLEs do not always succeed in resetting the subject parameter.
掲載誌名 |
巻 | 42
開始ページ | 45
終了ページ | 54
ISSN | 18808581
発行日 | 2008-12-25
NCID | AA12171265
DOI(SelfDOI) | |
出版者 | 島根大学教育学部
出版者別表記 | Faculty of Education Shimane University
資料タイプ |
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備考 | 39-41+ / 2006-2007
他の一覧 |