島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編

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島根大学文理学部紀要. 理学科編 4
1971-03-15 発行


On the Electrophotometric Co-measurements of La and Ce with Alizarin-S.
山本 作次郎
奥谷 克伸
The each quantitative determinations of La and Ce are difficult. It is recommended to measure the quantities of La and Ce from their mixed solutions with the method of co-measurement by using electro photometer,giving the±4% error in the resion of 0~4000γLa^<3+>or Ce^<3+>. And the treatment to remove the disturbance by Al^<3+>, Fe^<3+> and Cr^<3+> are given. The mathematical generaligation of Job's continuous variation method is also tried.