Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 34 2
2017-12-31 発行

Pyogenic Spondylitis Accompanied by Urinary Tract Infection and Septic Arthritis of the Knee: A Case Report

加藤 綾子 卒後臨床研修センター
瀧波 慶和 救急医学講座
小谷 暢啓 救急医学講座
仁科 雅良 救急医学講座
金山 秀和 放射線部
山本 伸子 放射線部
桑田 卓 整形外科学講座
伊藤 礼司 整形外科学講座
多久和 紘志 整形外科学講座
松崎 雅彦 整形外科学講座
内尾 祐司 整形外科学講座
Vertebral spondylitis is difficult to diagnose and
is often treated as fever of unknown origin. We
encountered a 46-year-old man with complaints of
fever and back pain. He had costovertebral angle
tenderness on percussion and elevated inflammatory
markers on blood biochemistry; he was suspected to
have urinary tract infection. A likely cause of fever,
such as pyelonephritis, was elusive on non-contrast
chest/abdomen/pelvis computed tomography and subsequent
contrast computed tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging. Specialist radiology review was
suggestive of vertebral spondylitis. Physical reexamination
revealed numbness and muscle weakness consistent
with the location of the lesions. Conservative
antibiotic treatment was initiated. Septic right knee
joint was also suspected, and arthroscopic washout
with débridement was urgently performed. Inflammatory
markers improved on conservative antibiotic
treatment. In emergency settings, thorough physical
examination and coordination between medical specialists
is crucial.
Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University