Shimane Journal of Medical Science

Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
ISSN :0386-5959(冊子体)
ISSN :2433-2410(オンライン)

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Shimane Journal of Medical Science 21 1
2003-06-01 発行

Lymphadenopathy due to paradoxical worsening of miliary tuberculosis following rubella infection

Yano, Shuichi
Shishido, Shinji
Kobayashi, Kanako
Yajima, Hiroki
Kato, Kazuhiro
Saito, Shinji
Fukuda, Mikihisa
This is the first report of paradoxical worsening of miliary tuberculosis following rubella infection. We suspect that immunological mechanisms were impaired by rubella infection and pulmonary TB rapidly deteriorated thereafter. This paradoxical worsening of lymphadenopathy was refractory to antituberculous therapy without drug resistance.