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島根大学医学部紀要 34
2011-12-01 発行

コロラド州Saint Joseph 病院におけるClinical Scholar 制度を取り入れた臨地実習

Clinical Scholar Program in Clinical Nursing Training at Saint Joseph Hospital, Colorado
三原 美津江
岡田 早苗
This paper reports a clinical scholar program implemented at Saint Joseph Hospital, Colorado, the United States, to discuss clinical nursing training approaches. In this program, clinical training is supervised by capable nurses as clinical scholars at teaching hospitals. The clinical scholars play the roles of the clinical supervisor and teacher in supervising students’ training goals and behavior, sharing the practice of nursing with them, guiding them at the conference, and awarding credits to them. The program also enables students to participate in the safe practice of nursing through experiencing assessments by skillful nurses. The clinical scholar program is ducational programs aimed at enhancing the capacity level nursing practice. Clinical scholar will practice based on the thought processes involved in solving a problems and
provide guidance, and opportunities that would make nursing expertise.