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島根医科大学紀要 23
2000-12-01 発行


A review of nursing care using the Internet
丸山 泰子
As a part of the health support project for adolescents via the Intemet. I examined articles on the effeetiveness of the Intemet as a means of nursing.
Only a few Japanese articles on this subject were found. However, I was able to fmd many articles from abroad. They described the utilization of the Intemet as a tool of communication with patients, education for patients, support for patients of cancer, and counseling through websites.
The advantages of the use of the Internet in nursing are:
(1) The interactive communication of the Intemet enhances empathy and understanding of each other, "inter-subjectivity" of mutual education, and better nursing care.
(2) Expressing themselves in letters can lead to insight and catharsis.
(3) These activities lead clients to utilize their potential and promote their ability to recover. The greatest disadvantage of the use of the Intemet is in the difficulty of protecting information leakage. It is important to protect the users' privacy and try to minimize the harmful influences.