島大言語文化 : 島根大学法文学部紀要. 言語文化学科編

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島大言語文化 : 島根大学法文学部紀要. 言語文化学科編 15
2003-08-31 発行

English as an International Language in Japan

Menking Scott Randall 英語コミュニケーション研究室
This paper explores English as an international language (EIL) in the context ef Japan. The Japanese are interested in and want to use English to communicate, but currently their abilities and potential to use EIL are not fully utilized. Differences between English as a second/foreign language and EIL are discussed, and the economic and educational value of EIL in Japan is addressed. Suggestions are provided on how the Japanese can increase interaction with other nonnative speakers of English using EIL. Classroom implications for teaching English as an international language, with its broader definition of English communication, are also examined.