島大言語文化 : 島根大学法文学部紀要. 言語文化学科編

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島大言語文化 : 島根大学法文学部紀要. 言語文化学科編 14
2003-01-31 発行

Planning the Future : Having a Vision

Menking Scott Randall 英語コミュニケーション研究室
This paper explores issues associated with a learner having a vision for his/her future. Possible reactions to a transition in employment are reviewed, but the paper primarily focuses on those who decide to return to school. This paper briefly compares traditional and adult students at Shimane Women's Junior College and concludes that currently, the adult students have a clearer vision for their future both during and after college. Obstacles and motivations for returning to school are discussed. Finally, the benefits of mentoring are addressed.