島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

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島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学 34
2000-12-01 発行

書写素材史の研究 : 国東治兵衛著『紙漉重宝記』

A Historical Study of the Handwriting Materials : Jihei Kunisaki, "Japanese Manual on Paper-making, Kamisuki Chohoki"
三保 忠夫
三保 サト子
The Japanese Manual on Papermaking,"Kamisuki Chohoki" was written by Jihei Kunisaki at Osaka in 1798.
The Manual explanes many techniques in the production of hand-made paper "Sekishu-washi" and illustrates about the equipment.
The present description is a report on the life of the author Jihei Kunisaki, the publishing background of his work and its block-books.