1) The KR-20 reliability coefficient for our short form was determined to be 0.58 (Scale 1, Mother's Afliction), 0.73 (Scale 2, Pessimism about Child Development), 0.43 (Scale 3, Overprotection/Dependency), 0.78 (Scale 4, Anxiety for the Future of Index Case), 0.38 (Scale 5, Social Isolation), 046 (Scale 6, Burden for Members of the Family), 0.42 (Scale 7, Financial Problems), 0.32 (Scale 8, Lack of Family Integration), 0.48 (Scale 9, Intellectual Incapacitation), 0.84 (Scale 10, Physical Incapacitation), 0.49 (Scale 11, Need for Care of Index Case).
2) Common items of both our short form of the QRS and the QRS-SF are 19, 127, 226, 215, 84, 219, 133, 98, 48, 159, 32, 111, 156, 194, 195, 143, 10, 118, 122, 272.
These of both our short form of the QRS and the QRS-F are 19 ; 278, 128, 133, 218, 98, 222, 266, 48, 32, 67, 121, 225, 267, 122, 272, 269, 265, 201, 172. These of our short form of the QRS and the QRS-SFA are 12 ; 215, 219, 133, 98, 48, 156, 194, 195, 10, 118, 122, 272.
All of four short forms have commonly only 5 items ; 133, 98, 48, 122, 272.