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教科教育研究論集 6
1992-03-01 発行

小学校家庭科の指導実態と意識(第1報)  -島根県の家庭科担当教員の場合-

Actual conditions and the consciousness of the Teachers toward Homemaking Education in Elementary schools (in case of Teachers in charge of Homemaking of shimane prefecture)
多々納 道子
安食 香子 出雲市立北陽小学校
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the problems exsist teachers in charge of
homemaking courses in elementary schools. The results were as follows:
Compared with female teachers, male ones, the ratios of homeroom teachers having charge
Of home making washiger than of that in females in shimane prefecture. significant differences
in systems ofteachers in charges of homemaking were found between male and female. Most
Ofteachers considered that homemaking should be taught by homeroom teachers in future.
Male teachers found it is difficult to teach the area concemed with do thing construction, on
the other hand, the areas concemed with the family and the residence,in case offemale ones.
Both male and female teachers comprehended the educational values of homemaking. Female teacher shad more democratic sex role perception regarded home making education was taught mainly by female teachers as critical.