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島根大学農学部研究報告 15
1981-12-15 発行

農地面遮蔽による土壌侵食抑制について : 傾斜農地の侵食に関する研究(III)

On Controlling Soil Erosion with Protective Cover on the Soil-Surface of Farmland : Studies on Soil Eroion of Sloped Farmland(III)
今尾 昭夫
This report is experimental research on the situation of soil erosion to changing cover ratio of the surface of sloped farmland model by crop model. The farmland model is soil tank of 0.42m width, 1.21m length and 0.09m depth. A used soil is the weathering granite soil called "MASA". The crop model is small wooden piece of 2.5×2.5cm true square, and cover ratio are got by arrangement in lattice-work on the surface of farmland model .The farmland model on the sloped table having several cover ratio is set under the rainfall simulator. The quantity of soil erosion is a volume of soil running out from the farmlalnd model.
The main results are as follows :
1)The quantity of soil erosion from covered famland shows linear decrease with increase of cover ratio. 2) The effective rate of cover is nearly equivalent, so the soil erosion is affected by rainfall strength and slop degree of farmland. 3) The energy of rainfall drops giving on the surface of farmland are changed by cover ratio. 4) The cover on the surface of farmland controls the run-off of fine soil.