Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematics

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Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematics 30
1997-01 発行

Some Remarks on Representations of Generalized Inverse [*-]Semigroups

Imaoka, Teruo
Ogawa Takahide
The Munn representation of an inverse semigroup S, in which the semigroup is represented by isomorphisms between principal ideals of the semilattice E(S), is not always faithful. By introducing a concept of a presemilattice, Reilly considered of enlarging the carrier set E(S) of the Munn representation in order to obtain a faithful representation of S as an inverse subsemigroup of a structure resembling the Munn semigroup TE(S).
The purpose of this paper is to obtain a generalization of the Reilly's results for generalized inverse[*]-semigroups.