Geoscience reports of Shimane University

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Geoscience reports of Shimane University 20
2001-12-28 発行


The public understanding of Earth Science on the Students of Shimane University
Matsumoto, Ichiro Faculty of Education, Shimane University
Examination of the public understanding of science by citizens of England and America began in 1989.Similar examinations in Japan have been made of students of Aichi University in 1992,and on the students of Shiga University,high school and junior high school students and citizens of the Otsu city in 1995.I also put this examination to students of Shimane University.Significant results of this examination are:1)The public understanding of earth sciences of lower grade student of the university is wider than the higher grade student.2)The public understanding of earth science by science students is wider than students with an arts background.