Laguna : 汽水域研究

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Laguna : 汽水域研究 8
2001-03 発行


Long-term Obervation of High-saline Watermass at River Oohashigawa, Shimane Pref., Japan (Observation in Autumn, 1999)
Tokuoka, Takao
Ueno, Hiroyoshi
Nishimura, Kiyokazu
Suzaki, Satoshi
Matsuda, Shigeo
Kubota, Shunsuke
Suzuki, Shigenori
A long-term observation system has been developed by the present writers since 1992. The system consists of several sub-systems such as an acousic reflection profiling system for spatial disribution survey of halocline(Model SC-3), an underwater acoustic reflection measurement systems for long-term observation of halocline behaviour(On-line mode Model SC-2 and Off-line mode CL-2), a thermometry system using optical fiber distrituted temprature sensor(Model DTS-80) and a temperature salinity measurement system using multiple CT sensors(Model MCTH-2). The observations was successfully carried out from Sept. 30 to Nov. 2 at the middle part of River Ohashigawa in addition to the ship-survey using Model SC-3.