Laguna : 汽水域研究

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Laguna : 汽水域研究 3
1996-03 発行


Paleoenvironmental Research on the Upper Sediments of Lake Nakaumi Based on Dinoflagellatecyst
Kojima, Natsuhiko
Yoshiyama, Satoru
Takayasu, Katsumi

  The paleoenvironmental change as indicated by Holocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblage is analyzed in the core samples from Lake Nakaumi, Japan. The results show that the lake changes to stagnant condition gradually afterl7th century. The stagnant tendency is mainly indicated by the reduction of counting rate on Spiniferites cysts and the increase of Protoperidinioid group cysts (eg. Brigantedinium spp., Selenopemphix quanta).