Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science 36
2002-12-01 発行


An electrochemical sketch of ions in solution(1)
Sakamoto, Ikko
Okazaki, Satoshi
Lee, Hung Lark
From a unified standpoint of view, how can we understand the various chemical reactions such as neutralization, acid-base reaction, oxidation-reduction, precipitation, complex formation, ion solvation and so on? Although the substances are often called differently such as acids and bases, oxidants and reductants, molecules and ions, solutes and solvents, and so on, only electrons in substances play the most important role in chemical reactions. So,in this study we will present an electrochemical sketch of ions in solution and offer a fundamental viewpoint to understand the substances. This paper only deals with some topics such as substance and energy, chemical equilibrium and acid-base equilibrium. Another topics such as oxidation-reduction equilibrium, electrolytic conductivity in solution and ion-solvent-solvent interaction will be presented in the near future.