Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science 11
1977-12-25 発行

コプト音楽の性格 : その宗教歌にみる

On the Special Features in the Coptic Chants
Mizuno, Nobuo
The Coptic music has plenty of its individual characters. It results from the reason that the Coptic music, taking through its growth the musical elements of ancient Egypt and early Christianity, has developed both of them into its separate and unique tradition.
The present writer treated the musical forms in the Coptic church-the Coptic liturgy and chants-in the former report (Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane Daigaku-Literature and Social Science-Vol.10), so here he will try to study on the versatile features in the Coptic chants, especially in the hymns.