Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 9
2004-08-31 発行

集落営農の地域性と集落型農業法人の存立基盤 : 島根県における集落営農を主要対象として

Regional Characteristics of Village Farming and Existence Base of Village Farming-type Farm Corporations
Taniguchi, Kenji
Recently village farming function is valued for maintaining Japanese agricultural product and rural associations. But it is very insufficient to study on existence base of village farming compared with its function. The following points were made clear in this study.1) The establishment of village farming was in the order Hokuriku, Kinki and Chugoku district, but that of rice product village farming was in the Hokuriku, Chugoku and Kinki.2) The village farming in Chugoku was small size and covered over all village areas.3) The most of all village farming-type farm corporations in Shimane Pref. was established in the upper reaches, because it was the most easiest place to use land and water for farming.4) The establishment conditions of village farming-type farm corporations was not the most favorite and 5) For that conditions farmers was necessary to combine for maintaining of their farm and life in the areas.