Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 6
2001-12-20 発行


Calculation of Input Rainfall Sequence to the Distributed Runoff Model using Point Rainfall Data
Fukushima, Akira
Mori, Yasushi
This study aims to propose a procedure of a flood runoff analysis by the distributed runoff model using point rainfall data which are observed by the rain gages of tipping-bucket type . The previous study proposed two runoff routing models. The first one is a modfied model from the Long- and Short-Terms Runoff Model(LST-II model). The other is developed for the Kinematic Wave Storage Model(KiWS model). The proposed models have the advantage of possibility as a practical one to analyze a runoff phenomena considering the spatially distributed precipitation measured by radar rainfall measurement system. The present study is taken into acount for the input rainfall sequence calculated at the the grid cell, in which the observed ground raifall data in the watershed are converted to mesh data on the plane constructed by triangle network. In the same manner as the runoff analysis by the distributed model using radar rainfall data, it is shown that the runoff analysis is possible by applying the proposed input rainfall sequence to the previous runoff model proposed as the distributed type of KiWS model.

 前報では、こうした背景を踏まえ、レーダ雨量計で観測される流域内の降雨情報を活用した中小河川流域、あるいは河川上流域での洪水予測システムを構築することを基本目標に着手した検討の一部を報告した。もっとも、レーダ雨量計によるレーダメッシュ時間雨量値は、メッシュ直下の単独の地上転倒ます時間雨量値と比較した場合、平均雨量値に対して、±50% 程度の平均的な差異を有しているのが一般的とされている。したがって、現時点では、レーダ雨量計による面積雨量評価精度に問題が残されているといえ、この点は洪水流出予測精度に関係することにもなる。