Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 5
2000-12-20 発行


Leaf and shoot phenology of trees in a deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest in the Sambe Forest, Shimane University
Ozaki, Yoshinobu
Terada, Kazuo
We studied the leaf and shoot phenology of five tree species, i.e.,Styrax japonica, S. Obassia, Cornus Kousa, Acer rufinerve and Carpinus tchonoskii, in a deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest in the Sambe Forest. Leaf emergence started in early April and ended by late April. It takes all tree species about 19 days to fully expand their leaves. On the other hand, leaf shed started in the middle of September to the middle of November dependent on tree species. Duration of leaf shed differed among species, from 8 days to 42 days. We also measured the length of leaves and current shoots. The growth pattern of leaves showed no differences among species. But the annual growth pattern of current shoots differed among specie. The current shoots of Acer rufinerve elongated almost two months after the leaf expansion had stopped. The current shoot elongation ofA. rufinerve is performed using photosynthate produced by their current leaves, whereas the other species utilize the annotinous photosynthate.
