Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 24
2019-11-30 発行


Recurrence rate after lateral shoot removal and leaf characteristics in tomato cultivars
Ikeda, Daisuke
Makino, Rintaro
In tomato plants, since lateral shoots are sometimes generated again after ones are removed, labor for cultivation management increases. Since it would be considered that there were differences between cultivars, in six cultivars (cherry, midi and large tomato at each 2 cultivars) their recurrence rates after lateral shoot removal was investigated. As a result, the recurrence rate of 'Fruitica' occurred most frequently before the main stem was pinched. However, those of 'CF Coco' and 'Reika' were few. Although the recurrence rate of 'Fruitica' was the most frequent after the pinching, those of 'Mini Carol' and 'Amoroso' were few. After the fruit removal, the recurrence rates of lateral shoots increased in all the cultivars. In total, since the rate of 'Fruitica' was the largest and that of 'Amoroso' was the fewest, the differences between cultivars were recognized. Although there was no significant difference in the number of recurrence days of lateral shoots, the number of 'Mini Carol' was the longest and that of 'Momotaro Fight' was short. As for the leaf characteristics, stomatal conductivity of 'Fruitica' was the highest in all cultivars, which had the highest rate of lateral shoot regeneration. From the above results, it has become clear that regeneration of lateral shoots differs between these cultivars.