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島根農科大学研究報告 6
1958-03-31 発行


Studies on the Storage Conditions of Tulip Bulb
吉野 蕃人
渡部 和夫
(1)We investigated the effect of the condition during stolage on, William Pitt variety and the experimental plots were as follows ; Wet humidity (95-98%) and through the strage period 20°, 25° and 30℃, Dry humidity (55-60%) and through the strage period 20°, 25° and 30℃, Wet humidity and after flower but differentiation 20°,25° and 30℃, Dry humidity and after flower but differentiation 20°, 25°and 30℃.
(2) Low temperature treatment(20℃) during strage period checked the flower bud differentiation of small bulb.
(3) Low temperature and dry humidiy condition are thought to be good for the development of inner most vegetation point as to middle class bulb, and middle temperature(25℃) and wet humidity are suitable for small class bulb.