Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 28
1994-12-26 発行


On the p-Systems in a Straight Locally Inverse Semigroup whose Idempotents form a Band
Yamada, Miyuki
In the previous paper [4], the concept of a p-system in a regular semigroup has been introduced; and it has been shown that every *-operation in a regular semigroup S is determined by some p-system in S, and conversely in a regular semigroup S with *-operation the projections of S form a p-system in S. On the other hand, the structure of orthodox SLI (straight locally inverse)-semigroups has been clarified in [5]. In this short note, the p-systems in an orthodox SLI-semigroup will be studied.