Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science 15
1981-12-25 発行

英語圏における障害児の親をめぐる今日的問題 : その文献的展望

A Vieiw of the new studies of the exceptional parents
Inanami, Masamitsu
Nishi, Nobutaka
Ogura, Tamiko
Onishi, Toshie
We collect and read new literatures of the exceptional parents which have been written in English.
Since PL94-142, the Education for all Handicapped Children Act passed in 1975, there is effort to increase parental participation with the special education. It is necessary to have parental consent prior to psychological assessment of children in school settings. Then, the exceptional parents are asked for to atteind case conferences which discuss to make individualized education programs (IEP) for their children.
And we have many collaborations of parents and professionals (educator, psychologist, and medical staffs) to develope the handicapped children.
Today, there is movement to rear the handicapped children within their families. Nevertheless, many parents demand residental facilities that share warm interaction with non handicapped persons, because the handicapped children have to learn how to stand on their own feet, being independent of their parents.