Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 2
1968-12-15 発行


Volume formula for a Tree of Ma-ate (A Forma of Thujopsls dolabrata SIEB. et ZUCC. var HONDAI MAKINO) Forest by Selection Method
Yasui, Hitoshi
Narita, Tsunemi
Ma-ate forest stands by selection method have been managed by forest owners self-will in the private forest, Wazima city, Isikawa prefecture, and the individual and peculier works for cutting, harvesting, planting and other regeneration made the various stand types. We selected 3 plots (Table 1) among them, cut 20-25 trees in each plot and calculated the diameter the dimension of sigle stem volume by the stem-analysis. Comparing with the accuracy for the adaptation of various stem volume formulas, we got the most accurate and convenient one, and it is as follows :
Konosu V = 0.00188 + 0.00004032 (D^2H)
Yamamoto V = 0.00495 + 0.00004419 (D^2H)
Futamata V = 0.00432 + 0.00003984 (D^2H)
The standard error of estimate based on these formulas is 2.6, 7.0, and 4.2% respectively.