ID | 28752 |
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Author |
Kaneta, Kunio
Mimura, Yukihiro
Enkhbat, Tsedenbaljir
Description | Higgs cubic coupling plays a crucial role in probing an origin of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is expected that the cubic coupling is measured by Higgs pair production at the LHC and ILC, and the deviations from the standard model can be extracted from the Higgs pair production process, and those can give us a hint of new physics beyond the standard model. We consider a general potential that achieves the suitable electroweak symmetry breaking. As one of the interesting models, we suggest a nonperturbative Higgs model in which a runaway type of potential is used. In the model, the cross sections of pair production at the LHC are enlarged compared to the standard model. We also study the Higgs pair production induced by a noncanonical kinetic term of Higgs fields which will be important for searching the pair production at the ILC.
Journal Title |
Physical review. D
Volume | 89
Issue | 1
Start Page | 015018_1
End Page | 015018_14
ISSN | 10894918
Published Date | 2014-01
DOI | |
NCID | AA11734624
Publisher | American Physical Society
NII Type |
Journal Article
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Rights | ©2014 American Physical Society
Text Version |
Gyoseki ID | e19642
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering