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ID 49398
Nagira Ei Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, Matsue 690-8504, Japan
Fujita, Shohei Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, Matsue 690-8504, Japan
We investigate the crossover from a low-temperature state in which heavy quasiparticles are formed to the high-temperature state in which conduction electrons separated from the degrees of freedom of f electrons exist in the heavy-fermionic model with the hybridization between conduction electrons and f electrons. To study the temperature dependence of spectral functions, the dynamical mean-field approach is adopted to treat the electron correlation between f electrons. By considering the competition between the effective hybridization energy V* and the characteristic energy I of quasiparticle excitation, it is found that there is a condition, that is, Γ > V*, for a system to show this crossover, whereas for Γ ≲ V*, the quasiparticle states in the hybridization band become ambiguous with increasing temperature before the effective hybridization between f electrons and conduction electrons is lost.
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(13) We have confirmed a similar temperature dependence of the spectral function of the system with the semicircle density of states for free conduction electrons. The semicircle density of states corresponds to that of the system on the Bethe lattice with a limit of infinite connectivity; it has no singularity in contrast to the system on the square lattice.
Journal Title
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
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Publisher Transcription
イッパン シャダン ホウジン ニホン ブツリ ガッカイ
Publisher Aalternative
The Physical Society of Japan
NII Type
Journal Article
©2014 The Physical Society of Japan
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Gyoseki ID
Faculty of Science and Engineering