Geological reports of Shimane University

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Geological reports of Shimane University 6
1987-06-30 発行

ヤナコCHNコーダー(MT-3型)による地質試料の分析 2 : 含水鉱物,火成岩中の水素定量

Analysis of geological materials by YANACO CHN coder (T-3) 2 : Determination of hydrogrn in hydrous minerals and igneous rocks
Suzuki, Noriyuki
Yamaguchi, Yoshiaki
Iizumi, Shigeru
Application of YANACO CHN corder (MT-3) was examined for determination of hydrogen content in hydrous minerals and igneous rocks. Samples of 50 to 150 mg weight were heated at 920℃ for 5 minutes in helium (180 ml/min) and oxygen (12 ml/min) streams. Water vapor released from minerals was quantified by thethermal conductivity detector. Values of hydrogen content thus determined for some amphiboles were compared with those calculated on the basis of amphibole stoichiometry. Hydrogen contents analyzed by CHN corder for GSJ standards were also compared with their recommended values (Ando, 1984, Ando and Terashima, 1985). The results reveal that application of CHN corder is extensively useful for rapid and precise measurements of hydrogen contents in hydrous minerals and igneous rocks.
A program written in N_(88) Japanese BASIC(86) for data treatment (Suzuki et a1., 1986) was revised. The revised program is also described.